Sunday, June 21, 2009

A start... at last!

Well, I've finally gotten around to it ("it" being writing some notes about the daily life of the Race family before it's all forgotten) and decided that a blog is my best chance of success.

At this stage a little background might be in order. I'm a 37 year old father of two (Harriet 5 and Finley almost 3), married to my lovely wife Tracey (nine years this October) and have found that life seems to be flashing by faster and faster with each passing day, month, year... As mentioned above Harriet turned 5 last month and I'm already struggling to remember what she was doing, saying (and misbehaving like) even just a year ago, let alone when she was a new born.

In reality all I really want to do is record the interesting, funny and possibly mundane moments of family life so we can look back say, "what's what we were doing then" and "oh haven't they grown" etc etc. This is mainly for our own benefit (Tracey and I) but it is possible that other people may find our daily toil a little interesting (obviously other family members are the expected audience) and you never know, even Harry and Fin could have a laugh looking back, reading this in the years to come (especially laughing at my poor writing skills).

So at least I've made a start (as I've been threatening to do this since about March this year) and will attempt in next post(s) to recap the last 5 years, the highs and lows, struggles and successes, tears and laughter (sounds like a soap opera already) and may pull in some guest contributers, whose memory's are far better than mine.

Hopefully it will be a good read but it will probably just help people sleep at night... not from the insightful content but from shear boredom... Ni ni eveyone!