Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Updates and Quotes

This is just a general post highlighting some good quotes from the kids and updating our movements from the last couple of months.

The best news is that Finley's speech is really coming along now. He had grommets put in about April (?) but over the last month he's really starting to come out with some excellent (and interesting) words/statements.

We went to the snow a couple of weeks back and stayed with Helen (Tracey's mum) and her partner Andrew who are house sitting in Raurimu. The day after Harriet had her first afternoon skiing (and went great) Helen asks Harriet "who went skiing yesterday?" and Finley overhears the question and pops in an answer of "I can.. I can..". (so he must going to be an artist, because they say if you can't lie then you can't paint.. nothing like starting early).

Finley's 2 favorite sayings must be "huh?" (in reply to any question/statement that he might/or might not, have heard) and "yes" but with a "th" in the yes like "yesthe" (making it very cute). His manners are also very good and for a long while whenever I gave him something he would always reply "thank you Mummy, thank you Daddy" even if Fin and I were the only guys in the room (but he doesn't do that all that much now and only thanks one of us).

Another goodin was Harriet was looking at a fishing magazine and says to Helen; "look this fish (on the cover) it's got wings..." so Helen replies "so what kind of fish is it?" Harriets answer: "a butterfly fish".

Here's one for the "aawwwhhh" files: I went on a trip to Dunedin in late may for my Rugby club's 125th Jubilee (and had a great time) but on the way on the plane my deodorant leaked through my bag.. Harriet comes along and sticks her head in my bag and says: "Daddy your bag smells like you, and I like it.. ".

Looking forward to going to Taupo this weekend and taking the road bikes to ride some of the course. Dropping the kids off at Grandad Iain and Grandma Lesley's place (as harry likes to call them) so should have some good material from that trip. They will really notice the difference in Fin's speech.

Will have to try and get in the habit of smaller but more frequent posts.. (easier said than done)and add some pictures..