Saturday, March 19, 2011

10 year anniversary!

Gee, where did that go? October the 7th, 2010 marked our 10 year wedding anniversary so what better way to celebrate than dropping the kids off at my mum and dads and heading to Rotorua for some quality RnR. These days "quality RnR" usually means packing up the cycles, getting a good ride in and going to a cafe for a flat white/Pot of tea, hot chips or muffin etc. With Trace in training for the Rotorua half Ironman and me for the K2 we were pretty keen to get some long(ish) rides in and being in Rotorua Tracey could ride the bike course itself. So that's what we did. On Friday Trace started with a dip in the lake, then onto the bikes and out towards Whakatane (turned around at about 40kms) and on Sunday we rode around the lake (which was very nice). Inbetween exercise we lay around and watched the Commonwealth games on TV (and some movies), walked around Rotorua looking at the sites, had a spa (which was a little disappointing as we're in the biggest thermal area in NZ and the spa wasn't a natural spring?) and got plenty of takeaways so we could just mooch around in our appartment doing nothing... All in all a great, relaxing break... Thanks a fantastic 10 years babe!