Monday, July 23, 2012

Finleys 6th Birthday

Fin was up at 6.15am today and into our room "can I open my present from Grandad Iain and Grandma Lesley?" (after failing to get into the front room where he left the present yesterday...). 

6.15am isn't bad for him as recently he's been getting up at 5.45am!

Harriet open the doors for Fin to get into the front room and within seconds the present was opened and he was the very happy owner of Kai's motorbike Lego set (Thanks Tauranga Grandparents).

Next up was our present for him, a remote controlled off-road buggy. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it requires 6 hours of battery charge before first use, so it was off to school before testing it out. I'm use it was get a good workout once he gets home. 

Looking at doing a pretty quiet family dinner (of fish and chips) tonight, with the main party on Saturday. Fin wanted to go to the Zoo with a few of his mates.

[Update] Lusie, Graham and Deb and kids all came over for dinner, which was indeed Fush and Chups. Fin got a spiderman glove (that makes a swooshing noise when moved around) from Luise, some more Lego in the mail from Pops and Joy, the game Mousetrap from Debs and kids and also a T-shirt from the kids next door. 

Fin had a great time showing off all his presents and mainly played with Louie all night. When it was time for everyone to leave, Louie and Fin snuck into the front room and tried to get a bit of computer time in. This was quickly shut-down (as it was already past 9pm) and Fin didn't take that too well and went off to his room and disappeared under the sheets. Then he started yelling out that his birthday was "ruined" and that he didn't get enough presents (hopefully he was just a bit tired and having a vent but sounded like a bit of a brat ;-).

He still has Saturday at the Zoo to look forward too.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trip to the Principal's office!

Finley had his first (and probably not last) trip to the principal's office last week. He had been very grumpy leading into the Tuesday in question, and generally not doing as he was told (Trace said he was a absolute nightmare while walking to school and back). Lack of sleep maybe?

The story we got was that Fin wanted to play with a boy at school but he had changed his mind and decided not to play with Fin... so in Fin's own words "I had to punch him in the stomach". Surprisingly (to Fin at least) this action didn't encourage the boy to play with him but earned a trip to see the principal instead.

Pleased to report that since this incident, Fin (and Harriet's) behaviour has improved ;-)