Thursday, December 4, 2014

Finley's on Fire!

Fin was producing some classic quotes this morning while getting ready for school.. almost everything that was coming out of his mouth was cracking me up..

Example is when I found we had a loaf of bread in the freezer so I announced to the kids we wouldn't be getting Bakery goods after all, Harriet wasn't very happy.. so she made some complaints, then Fin chimed in with "just suck it up Sister" and then Harriet was showing her sad face to me, saying Daddy look at my face, which I did and said "yes it's sad" so then she asks Finley; "Fin, Fin look at my face", Fin replies "I can't, it's too ugly"  ;-)

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Harriet just got some Heelys (but they are a cheaper brand for about $30) so she was dead keen to try them out.. the good thing was Fin had had his Heelys (the real thing but bought second hand for $10 without wheels which we added later) for months but never used them.

Once Harriet got her's out, Fin followed suit and soon the kids lounge was cleared, all the chairs and sofa's pushed back and the were practicing flat out. The polished floor boards are perfect for zooming across if not a little slippery at times.

Later in the day we headed up to school in the afternoon to try it outside (and on some smooth concrete.. again Harriet was first to get going but suddenly Fin sorted out his technique and was rolling for metres at a time..  these Heelys now seem like a good investment ;-) Kids want to take them to school on Monday.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Quick Quote...

Fin: Dad did you fart? Me: Yip, sorry about that. Fin: It smells like fireworks... mine usually smell like cup cakes.. rotten cup cakes and biscuits..

Carrying Fin to bed the other night (both Harriet and him were asleep in our bed), and picked him up in the fetal position.. and he starts farting away, sort of in time to my footsteps.. then he burps and say's "Pardon me" in his sleep.. at least his manners are still good ;-)