Thursday, July 30, 2015

Harriet's 11th

This year we dialed back the scale of the birthday celebrations for Harriet (having gone pretty epic last year and the year before.. etc etc). But she ended up going back to JUMP again with Lucy, Ruby, Sian and Lily.

Some of Lucy's new school friends were there as well so they had quite a big gang, bouncing around.

After we headed home, got pizza's on the way and had an extended family meal with Debs etc.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Flyer Weekend

This is one of our favourite rides of the year but this year we brought the kids along as well, as we had a nice big house rented and a kind offer of a baby sitter. The house had 4 bedrooms and 2 lofts as well as a fold out bed in the lounge and we had the place fully occupied.

Fellow riders were CRV, Brian and Trent Donjeny, Shane Heyans and a debuting Steve Mouat. Carl's family also came along as well as Steve's partner Lisa and her twin girls, so that's 6 kids in total.

One the way home we stopped in at Rainbow springs (for the first time) and did the touristy thang. Also met up with the Rolfe-Vysons there. Was expensive but fun and we went on the log flume ride at least 3 or 4 times (and seemed to be wetter each time).

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Harriets new favourites

Harriet has a couple of favourite sayings that seem to be good for all occasions.. first can go after any sentance is "Sheesh" e.g. "I've already done set the table.. sheesh".

The other saying is after something is explained or described to her, the response is "ahh poo" (this is a negative response, just in case you're wondering ;-)