Thursday, July 30, 2015

Harriet's 11th

This year we dialed back the scale of the birthday celebrations for Harriet (having gone pretty epic last year and the year before.. etc etc). But she ended up going back to JUMP again with Lucy, Ruby, Sian and Lily.

Some of Lucy's new school friends were there as well so they had quite a big gang, bouncing around.

After we headed home, got pizza's on the way and had an extended family meal with Debs etc.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Flyer Weekend

This is one of our favourite rides of the year but this year we brought the kids along as well, as we had a nice big house rented and a kind offer of a baby sitter. The house had 4 bedrooms and 2 lofts as well as a fold out bed in the lounge and we had the place fully occupied.

Fellow riders were CRV, Brian and Trent Donjeny, Shane Heyans and a debuting Steve Mouat. Carl's family also came along as well as Steve's partner Lisa and her twin girls, so that's 6 kids in total.

One the way home we stopped in at Rainbow springs (for the first time) and did the touristy thang. Also met up with the Rolfe-Vysons there. Was expensive but fun and we went on the log flume ride at least 3 or 4 times (and seemed to be wetter each time).

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Harriets new favourites

Harriet has a couple of favourite sayings that seem to be good for all occasions.. first can go after any sentance is "Sheesh" e.g. "I've already done set the table.. sheesh".

The other saying is after something is explained or described to her, the response is "ahh poo" (this is a negative response, just in case you're wondering ;-)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Finley's on Fire!

Fin was producing some classic quotes this morning while getting ready for school.. almost everything that was coming out of his mouth was cracking me up..

Example is when I found we had a loaf of bread in the freezer so I announced to the kids we wouldn't be getting Bakery goods after all, Harriet wasn't very happy.. so she made some complaints, then Fin chimed in with "just suck it up Sister" and then Harriet was showing her sad face to me, saying Daddy look at my face, which I did and said "yes it's sad" so then she asks Finley; "Fin, Fin look at my face", Fin replies "I can't, it's too ugly"  ;-)

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Harriet just got some Heelys (but they are a cheaper brand for about $30) so she was dead keen to try them out.. the good thing was Fin had had his Heelys (the real thing but bought second hand for $10 without wheels which we added later) for months but never used them.

Once Harriet got her's out, Fin followed suit and soon the kids lounge was cleared, all the chairs and sofa's pushed back and the were practicing flat out. The polished floor boards are perfect for zooming across if not a little slippery at times.

Later in the day we headed up to school in the afternoon to try it outside (and on some smooth concrete.. again Harriet was first to get going but suddenly Fin sorted out his technique and was rolling for metres at a time..  these Heelys now seem like a good investment ;-) Kids want to take them to school on Monday.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Quick Quote...

Fin: Dad did you fart? Me: Yip, sorry about that. Fin: It smells like fireworks... mine usually smell like cup cakes.. rotten cup cakes and biscuits..

Carrying Fin to bed the other night (both Harriet and him were asleep in our bed), and picked him up in the fetal position.. and he starts farting away, sort of in time to my footsteps.. then he burps and say's "Pardon me" in his sleep.. at least his manners are still good ;-)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Quotes and comments, House and Pets

Doing the supermarket shopping with Harry and Fin, and Fin says to me "Dad, your beard is getting long.." (which is was) then he follows it up with "are you growing a white beard?" .. I said not on purpose.. you guys did this to me ;-)

Another thing I love is when the kids say "You always...." or "I always..."  when you or they have done something about 3 times (but it's usually 3 times in the last week).

House update: we've been in our Titirangi home for just over a year now and we love it (but the kids aren't big fans of the drive when they have to walk up it to school. Sometimes when Trace is walking the kids to school, I give them a ride up the drive on my motorbike. Will have to post of photo). The only changes we've made to the house are the following:

  • Chopping the kitchen pantry down
  • Heat pump
  • Under floor insulation
  • Some curtains 
Pet update: One of the fishes died last week so now we've just got the one big gold fish left. The cats are now grown up and seem very happy. They still get plenty of attention from the kids, which they seem to love as well (Lion especially loves the scratching under the chin). But now they are bigger they're starting to bring "things" into the house from outside. It started with spiders and crickets/weta's but now it's baby birds and small mouses (which Tracey hates). In fact the last 2 days I've found a baby duck and a decent size rat dead in the lounge. But that's what cats do ...