Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Quotes and comments, House and Pets

Doing the supermarket shopping with Harry and Fin, and Fin says to me "Dad, your beard is getting long.." (which is was) then he follows it up with "are you growing a white beard?" .. I said not on purpose.. you guys did this to me ;-)

Another thing I love is when the kids say "You always...." or "I always..."  when you or they have done something about 3 times (but it's usually 3 times in the last week).

House update: we've been in our Titirangi home for just over a year now and we love it (but the kids aren't big fans of the drive when they have to walk up it to school. Sometimes when Trace is walking the kids to school, I give them a ride up the drive on my motorbike. Will have to post of photo). The only changes we've made to the house are the following:

  • Chopping the kitchen pantry down
  • Heat pump
  • Under floor insulation
  • Some curtains 
Pet update: One of the fishes died last week so now we've just got the one big gold fish left. The cats are now grown up and seem very happy. They still get plenty of attention from the kids, which they seem to love as well (Lion especially loves the scratching under the chin). But now they are bigger they're starting to bring "things" into the house from outside. It started with spiders and crickets/weta's but now it's baby birds and small mouses (which Tracey hates). In fact the last 2 days I've found a baby duck and a decent size rat dead in the lounge. But that's what cats do ...

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