Monday, December 7, 2009

The training wheels come off...

Over the weekend I suggested to Harriet that she takes the training wheels off her bike and she was very keen on the idea. After one false start (we went to the park and I took our spanner set with me, then found the only spanner that I'd taken out of the set and left at work was the one we needed! Doh!) we took the trainers off about 5pm on Saturday night.

We started with me holding her and the bike up and pushing around the back yard (on our uneven grass), which gave her a taste of it without really making big progress (but that was only 10mins and I was knackered!). So then Harry decides the drive will be the way to go and she's very quickly coming back inside yelling "I did it, I did it!" and dragging us outside for a look. And sure enough she's able to go for a couple of metres.. fanastic progress for maybe 30mins of trying.

The next morning she's straight back out there and on the bike... 30mins later she's already going the length of our drive, and loving it. No looking back now.

In other news, Finley has moved onto the "why" stage. His speech is improving but can still be a bit hard to interpret at times, especially when he's tired. Harriet has a great knack of deciphering what he's saying and/or what he wants (usually some food treat, as he's always in the fridge or cupboard.. ). Fin also says his L's as Y's, so it's "yittle" instead of "little", which we love.

Also we've just brought a new car, a Volvo V70 2.0T 2001 model. We've had it checked by AA and they didn't find much wrong... so cross fingers that we get a good run... We pick it up on Saturday.

The interesting bit will be trying to sell the old Subaru... We might be lucky to get $500! (but then again we've had it for nearly 7 years and put over 80,000kms on it, so she's done well)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Updates and Quotes

This is just a general post highlighting some good quotes from the kids and updating our movements from the last couple of months.

The best news is that Finley's speech is really coming along now. He had grommets put in about April (?) but over the last month he's really starting to come out with some excellent (and interesting) words/statements.

We went to the snow a couple of weeks back and stayed with Helen (Tracey's mum) and her partner Andrew who are house sitting in Raurimu. The day after Harriet had her first afternoon skiing (and went great) Helen asks Harriet "who went skiing yesterday?" and Finley overhears the question and pops in an answer of "I can.. I can..". (so he must going to be an artist, because they say if you can't lie then you can't paint.. nothing like starting early).

Finley's 2 favorite sayings must be "huh?" (in reply to any question/statement that he might/or might not, have heard) and "yes" but with a "th" in the yes like "yesthe" (making it very cute). His manners are also very good and for a long while whenever I gave him something he would always reply "thank you Mummy, thank you Daddy" even if Fin and I were the only guys in the room (but he doesn't do that all that much now and only thanks one of us).

Another goodin was Harriet was looking at a fishing magazine and says to Helen; "look this fish (on the cover) it's got wings..." so Helen replies "so what kind of fish is it?" Harriets answer: "a butterfly fish".

Here's one for the "aawwwhhh" files: I went on a trip to Dunedin in late may for my Rugby club's 125th Jubilee (and had a great time) but on the way on the plane my deodorant leaked through my bag.. Harriet comes along and sticks her head in my bag and says: "Daddy your bag smells like you, and I like it.. ".

Looking forward to going to Taupo this weekend and taking the road bikes to ride some of the course. Dropping the kids off at Grandad Iain and Grandma Lesley's place (as harry likes to call them) so should have some good material from that trip. They will really notice the difference in Fin's speech.

Will have to try and get in the habit of smaller but more frequent posts.. (easier said than done)and add some pictures..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Finley gets Grommets

He did... when? can't remember. But what I do remember is that he had to be put under a general (only for about 10mins) and one of us had to take him in and hold him while they put him under... well, Trace wasn't too keen on the job so it was up to me. He was very brave and trusting and took only a couple of seconds to go to sleep, I wanted to stay with him but they made me wait outside with Trace.

All in all, not a very nice experience but nothing compared with what other families go thru, and after a 30min observation period he was up and about, albeit a little groggy.

Hopefully, they'll have the desired effect, no ear infections and better hearing (not sure how long they're supposed to last?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harriet goes to School!

Obviously this wasn't today, as Harry's birthday was in May (the 26th) but as I'm still in "catch up" mode with this blog (and probably will be for the rest of the year..) thought I'd back-track and cover this event. This is clearly a HUGE day in anyones life and certainly one that you'd like to remember (can't say I can remember anything about mine) but maybe this will spark Harriet's memory in years to come...

It was actually a Tuesdsay, as the Monday was a public holiday. Tracey is working Tue, Wed and Friday's (in her current job) so I got the privilege of taking Harry in. Harriet was very excited, without seeming nervous, and to say that she was "ready" for school was a big understatement. We walked, which takes about 10mins, and it was a cold but clear day. We arrived nice and early, about 8:40am, had a quick visit to the office and then headed off to her classroom to meet her teacher and classmates.

Harriet's teacher is Mrs Hand, and not only is Mrs Hand new to the school (only been perm for a couple of months) but Harriet's class is all new as well with only 7 including her! Harriet was straight into the swing of it, sitting on the mat and putting her hand up to answer questions. I must have stayed for about 15-20mins and Harriet hardly noticed I was still there! I decided to leave when the class was off to Assembly in the main hall.
A quick kiss and hug later (and with no sign of tears) I had left her on her first day (the last I saw of her was Harriet at the front of the line, holding hands with Mrs Hand and the kid behind her, leading the way to the hall). I was extremely proud of her, the way that she handled it with ease, and slightly emotional to see our little girl growing up... (aawwwhhh).
Tracey might have some more to add when she picked her up...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day off... so off to the Zoo

The kids have been sick the last couple of days so I took a day off to look after them today, as Trace took yesterday off. The weather wasn't too bad (i.e. it stopped raining for at least an hour) and the kids seemed to be improving, so decided to take them to the Zoo (as we've got the "Friends of the Zoo" pass which comes in very handy and for 100 odd bucks a year is a bargain!).

Well the kids loved it, as usual, and it was an especially good day for viewing. It seemed like every animal was out and about and putting on a good show for us. The Tigers, Lions, Rhino's etc we're all really easy to spot and were actually moving for a change. But the best was the black monkey (I think he is a Gibbon) that we've seen plenty of times but I've never heard him/her like this. It was great stuff, yelling and swinging around, coming right up to the window and generally going ape sh*t. The kids we're glued to every move and followed the monkey up and down, there must have been 30 other people watching and we must have stayed for 20mins (and with the kids attention span, that's pretty impressive).

The other thing of note is that Finley could climb the rope bridge in the playground. Couldn't do that last time it took him to the Zoo so he was pretty pleased with himself and repeated the feat at least 10 times to show off his new skills.

NOTE: (to self) I WILL blog more often and attempt to backfill some of the last 5 years (at some stage)....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A start... at last!

Well, I've finally gotten around to it ("it" being writing some notes about the daily life of the Race family before it's all forgotten) and decided that a blog is my best chance of success.

At this stage a little background might be in order. I'm a 37 year old father of two (Harriet 5 and Finley almost 3), married to my lovely wife Tracey (nine years this October) and have found that life seems to be flashing by faster and faster with each passing day, month, year... As mentioned above Harriet turned 5 last month and I'm already struggling to remember what she was doing, saying (and misbehaving like) even just a year ago, let alone when she was a new born.

In reality all I really want to do is record the interesting, funny and possibly mundane moments of family life so we can look back say, "what's what we were doing then" and "oh haven't they grown" etc etc. This is mainly for our own benefit (Tracey and I) but it is possible that other people may find our daily toil a little interesting (obviously other family members are the expected audience) and you never know, even Harry and Fin could have a laugh looking back, reading this in the years to come (especially laughing at my poor writing skills).

So at least I've made a start (as I've been threatening to do this since about March this year) and will attempt in next post(s) to recap the last 5 years, the highs and lows, struggles and successes, tears and laughter (sounds like a soap opera already) and may pull in some guest contributers, whose memory's are far better than mine.

Hopefully it will be a good read but it will probably just help people sleep at night... not from the insightful content but from shear boredom... Ni ni eveyone!