Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day off... so off to the Zoo

The kids have been sick the last couple of days so I took a day off to look after them today, as Trace took yesterday off. The weather wasn't too bad (i.e. it stopped raining for at least an hour) and the kids seemed to be improving, so decided to take them to the Zoo (as we've got the "Friends of the Zoo" pass which comes in very handy and for 100 odd bucks a year is a bargain!).

Well the kids loved it, as usual, and it was an especially good day for viewing. It seemed like every animal was out and about and putting on a good show for us. The Tigers, Lions, Rhino's etc we're all really easy to spot and were actually moving for a change. But the best was the black monkey (I think he is a Gibbon) that we've seen plenty of times but I've never heard him/her like this. It was great stuff, yelling and swinging around, coming right up to the window and generally going ape sh*t. The kids we're glued to every move and followed the monkey up and down, there must have been 30 other people watching and we must have stayed for 20mins (and with the kids attention span, that's pretty impressive).

The other thing of note is that Finley could climb the rope bridge in the playground. Couldn't do that last time it took him to the Zoo so he was pretty pleased with himself and repeated the feat at least 10 times to show off his new skills.

NOTE: (to self) I WILL blog more often and attempt to backfill some of the last 5 years (at some stage)....

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