Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finley gets a kick start

It took some bribing, much cajoling and finally the purchase of arm, knee and wrist guards, but Finley is now up and running, riding his bike! (well Harriet's old bike that we spray painted blue ;-).

With $20 in his back pocket and with full extremity protection on, Fin has gone from "I hate my bike" to "I want a new one". He was so good at riding his scooter that the bike had really taken a back seat and was always in the too hard basket (once the training wheels came off). He was also in the shadow of his big sister  who has been able to ride for a few years and possibly wasn't helping his confidence by showing him how easy it is..

But it looks like there is no looking back now and a new bike purchase (well, second hand from Trade me) is on the horizon. Hopefully family outings on with all of us on bikes will be on the agenda soon. Looking forward to that.

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