Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Quotes and comments, House and Pets

Doing the supermarket shopping with Harry and Fin, and Fin says to me "Dad, your beard is getting long.." (which is was) then he follows it up with "are you growing a white beard?" .. I said not on purpose.. you guys did this to me ;-)

Another thing I love is when the kids say "You always...." or "I always..."  when you or they have done something about 3 times (but it's usually 3 times in the last week).

House update: we've been in our Titirangi home for just over a year now and we love it (but the kids aren't big fans of the drive when they have to walk up it to school. Sometimes when Trace is walking the kids to school, I give them a ride up the drive on my motorbike. Will have to post of photo). The only changes we've made to the house are the following:

  • Chopping the kitchen pantry down
  • Heat pump
  • Under floor insulation
  • Some curtains 
Pet update: One of the fishes died last week so now we've just got the one big gold fish left. The cats are now grown up and seem very happy. They still get plenty of attention from the kids, which they seem to love as well (Lion especially loves the scratching under the chin). But now they are bigger they're starting to bring "things" into the house from outside. It started with spiders and crickets/weta's but now it's baby birds and small mouses (which Tracey hates). In fact the last 2 days I've found a baby duck and a decent size rat dead in the lounge. But that's what cats do ...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wet weekend and a change of colour

We just had a very wet weekend, with heavy rain and strong winds (but both Trace and I still managed to fit in decent bike rides ;-). On Sunday morning it was just Fin and I in the house as Trace was out riding and Harry was having a sleep over at her friend Kate's place (Marshy's Kate).

At one stage Fin decided he would like to do some drawing and wanted to draw a Chameleon (inspired by the TV I think). So I drew him the outline, which he proceeded to colour in (and very well I might add). I checked in on him and he'd finished most of the body (orange) and just had the head to complete. I asked him what colour he was going to use and I suggested green.. but then reminded him that it could be anything he likes as Chameleons can change their colours.

I went back to doing stuff around the house and about 5mins later I heard Fin yell out.. "Dad.. Chameleon's would be really good at hide and seek wouldn't they?" ;-)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Netball tryouts

Yesterday Harriet went to year 4 Netball trials at school. Unfortunately we were a little late and missed the start but H got some court time, touched the ball a few times and seemed to enjoy it. She's got a few friends that are playing as well (like Ruby, Kayla and Holly) so that should hopefully keep her interested.

She's got another trial game after school today and even though its early days, it looks like Netball could be the winter game of choice for Harriet in the coming years... best I start learning the rules ;-)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Trace and I decided to get Kittens for the kids, as an early xmas present last year.. and aren't they cute. They've almost double in size in the 8 weeks we've had them but have firmly established themselves as part of the family.
Picked up and ready for the trip home

Jessie May

Lion Crocodile

Finley got a boy and named him Lion Crocodile and Harriet a girl named Jessie May ;-)

Not that I've had cats as pets before but I think these 2 have to be the most chilled out felines I've encountered. Maybe it's because they've had the kids picking them up for cuddles from day one but they don't seem to mind one bit.

Currently they are getting used to the cat door and we've almost done away with the indoor litter trays (hurray!). Overall the whole process of getting them used to the environment, peeing and pooing where they're supposed to and leaving them unattended (when we're both at work) has gone remarkably well with only the odd accident here and there. 

Can't imagine not having them now.. ;-)
Lion on a sleeping Fin

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finley gets a kick start

It took some bribing, much cajoling and finally the purchase of arm, knee and wrist guards, but Finley is now up and running, riding his bike! (well Harriet's old bike that we spray painted blue ;-).

With $20 in his back pocket and with full extremity protection on, Fin has gone from "I hate my bike" to "I want a new one". He was so good at riding his scooter that the bike had really taken a back seat and was always in the too hard basket (once the training wheels came off). He was also in the shadow of his big sister  who has been able to ride for a few years and possibly wasn't helping his confidence by showing him how easy it is..

But it looks like there is no looking back now and a new bike purchase (well, second hand from Trade me) is on the horizon. Hopefully family outings on with all of us on bikes will be on the agenda soon. Looking forward to that.